Monday, April 25, 2005

It is our manifest destiny

In one of our first real conversations, anticipating our first kiss by about 10 hours, John asked me: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? My instantaneous answer was: America. I described my desire, rather secretly held, to take a year or so to drive around the country, stopping to freelance or mow lawns when I needed money. Alone, it wasn't likely to happen -- for all sorts of reasons. And I admit I felt a little silly about the romance of it all.

Funny thing, then, that we're deep into the planning stages of our American safari. And rather than be embarrassed by the romance of it, it's turned into something of its own romantic endeavor. It turns out that John shared a similar notion.

We are departing Washington, D.C. in the middle of June. We'll be keeping folks up to date about our travels through this blog, but it's not going to be some long-winded, writerly thing, we cross our hearts and hope to stay alive. As long as we have internet access, we hope to keep track of where we've been, where gas prices punch you in the face hardest, and point out those weird little hellholes no one should ever visit, so you can be sure never to visit.

Let our enemies not begin
"in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions."
Still unnamed. But this lovely peice of machinery, our 1989 Toyota Land Cruiser, will get the best from us. We'll keep you posted.


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